Friday, August 30, 2013

BR 8/30/13

I think that the family over reacted. Sometimes restaraunts get busy, and not everyone gets the attention that they won't. They just need to get over it.
I have a dream.........

"Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice."

Matin wanted change, and he wanted it right then. He is saying that it is time for blacks to be seen at a whole new level. So, that they were no longer in the past (dark) , and got to rise into a new beginning ( the light ).

This was very relevant in this time. Black's were not seen as equals at the time. Also, they all strived to see a change in the justice system to see them as the same as white folk.
1. He knew the speech would be famous
2. 100 years later black's still aren't appreciated
3. black men < white men
4. blacks's get insignificant funds
5. Then was the time for change
6. They have to stick together in brotherhood
7. They wanted the rights to vote
8. They won't be satisfied until justic rolls down like water
9. All men are created equal
10. Martin had a dream

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bellringer 8/27/13

             1. Yes, because if they are old enough to do it then they are old enough to get the appropriate punishments.

              2. No, they should have make themselves known.

              3. Have parenting classes for people that want to have kids.