Monday, April 14, 2014

BR 4/14/14

What career would you like to have? Look up the annual salary of that career.
Fashion designer - $60,000
Farmer - up to $60,000
personal buisness - up to $100,00

Thursday, April 10, 2014

BR 4/10/14

I would spend it it on groceries each week which all together would be about $320 which includes food and drinks
Also I will spend it on some food when I go out which will cost about $20 a week so I would of spent $80 for that
Also I might go to the movies once or twice so about $14 there
also I would get some clothes for about $80 and then I will get gum for about $6

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

citizenship test


BR 4/8/14

Obama is going to sign two actions that will equal pay laws. It is stated that these will only apply to companies with federal contracts. Also one of them will prohibit federal contractors from firing people.

Monday, April 7, 2014

BR 4/7/14

What should the requirements be for an immigrant to become a United States citizen? LIST 3 IDEAS

-A Test.
-Language Class
-Change their name.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hispanic Picture

What do the peoples faces reflect?
Give an example of how this might happen today.
Hispanic people may think that they are treated differently and retaliate.
What is going on in the picture?
People are protesting that this is their land too, and that they belong with signs and flags.
What is happening in America at the time the picture was taken?
Americans were living on a normal day.

BR 4-2-14

What do you think will be the most difficult part of the "discrimination" project?

Not talking.