Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Notes on Chapter 22

heterogeneous- society is composed of diff. people or cultures.
immigrant- a legal person from another country.
reservation- public land given to the native americans by the u.s.
refugee- go to a new land seeking protection.
assimilation- you change your culture to adapt to another.
Asian Americans came to america in 1850s and 1860s
Chinese exclusion act of 1882-wanted them to stay out for 80 years but only lasted 20
WWII-all Japanese were evacuated to the pacific coast in case they are traders.
Just because the law says something doesn't mean that people will not still do it.
You cant change how people feel but something has to be done
1870s-19502 no meaningful legislation passed in regards to civil rights
The civil rights act of 1964 - debated for 83 days straight
       -voting provisions
        -public services
        -Federal funding programs could not discriminate for the same reasons.
        -Employers and labor unions could not also
Civil rights act of 1968 or "open housing act" - Cannot refuse housing selling or renting (still segregated today)
Title IX - forbids descrimination against genders in sports and funding
Affirmiative action
   -requires employers take positive steps
   -Employers must meet quotas
   -reverse descrimination is discrimination against the majority group
    - be "color bling"
The Bakke case:
       -Allan bakke sued cal u because he didnt get into the medical program
       -won the case
       - Similar cases are done now
it is predicted that in 25 years the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary.
Heterogeneous- society is composed of different people or cultures.
Immigrants- Legal alien from a different country.
Reservation- public land given to the Native Americans by the United States government. 
Refugee- moved to another country for their protection. 
Assimilation- adapt to the majority's culture.

-U.S. prominently white today
Populations that have grown: African American, Asian American, Hispanic American
African Americans: suffered unjust treatment longer- 14% of people in U.S.--equality led by African Americans
-6 million Native Americans-Indian Education Act of 1972-help the Native Americans
-Hispanic Americans-Spanish speaking background-50 million in U.S.- divided by four subgroups: Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rico, Central and South

-Chinese laborers were the first Asians to come to America in large numbers in 1850-1860's-- often faced violence because white workers were unhappy
-World War II all Japanese were evacuated to pacific coast even native born/concentration camps
-congress changed its ways realized was unjust

-those who oppose civil rights often believe you cant change morality by passing a law
-1870-1890's no meaningful legislation passed in regards to civil rights
-Civil Rights Act of 1964- passed after longest debate in senate history (83 days)-- made changes- voting provisions, public services could no longer deny access based on race, religion, etc, federal funding programs could not discriminate for same reasons, employers and labor unions could not discriminate
-Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Open Housing Act) could not refuse renting/selling living space to any person due to discrimination
-Housing still one of the most segregated areas in American life today
-Affirmative Action-employers must meet quotas for minority groups/genders, reverse discrimination-discrimination against the majority group denied opportunities so minority groups have more opportunities

-an American citizen is a person that swears allegiance to the united states
-before 1860's citizenship was not important to people living in the united states
-constitution declares a person can become an American citizen by birth or through naturalization
-90% of Americans are citizens by birth
-voluntarily abandon citizenship-called expatriation
-quota for immigration-limits the number of people allowed from each country/territory
-immigration act of 1965-did away with quota system allowed 270,000 immigrants to united states special preference given to immediate family in united states
-deportation-legal process by which aliens are required to leave the country

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