Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/11 Personal Stories

1. There was a man in the building when the both planes hit. He was on the phone with a dispatch agent. I got to hear his last words. He was fearing for his life. He didn't go through it with anybody by his side, not even his wife. She thought that he was o.k. and that he was on his way out of the building. He didn't live much longer after that call.

2. There was one woman who watched it happen. She still has nightmares from the images that she saw. She said that she didn't know anybody in any of those buildings, but she still felt for everyone of them. She said that she saw people jumping out of the buildings even after she started running away.

3. There was a group of people that stuck together through the whole thing. They went to all the funerals together. They said that there were more people at the funerals that didn't know the person than did. Which didn't surprise them much because they did the same thing. Some of the funerals for people that they didn't even know were sadder than for the ones that they had talked to before.

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