Thursday, October 31, 2013

BR 10/31/13

1.  do you believe this letter is too "harsh" why or why not?
No, because she is just speaking her mind.

 2.   do you believe that it is her Constitutional right to hand out said letter?  Why or why not?
Yes, she has the freedom of speech.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment for 10/29/13 =)

What does the elephant stand for?
It stands for republicans.
-Use of images

Why is he being arrested?
He was doing something that he should not have been doing.
-Cartoon's message

Why are they laughing?
They are idiots.
-Subject of the cartoon

Why does the cop's sleeve say 'voters'?
He is representing the people that paid to keep up the place.
-Cartoon's message

Why does he call him bubba?
That is a generic name usually used for unintelligent people, like theses kids.
-Cartoon's message.

-Let your eyes "float" over the cartoon.
-Follow the cartoon's natural flow by discovering the interaction with the primary focus (found in step 1).
-Determine the audience
-Understand the context of the cartoon.
-Look for widely recognized symbols.
-Look at minor details in the cartoon that will contribute to the humor or the point of the cartoon.

BR 10/29/13 =)

1.  Do you feel the "fat test" is legal?

 2.  Does your weight make you "fit"?

 3.  How would you handle this issue if you were the government? 
I would change that rules to what they are looking for.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Assignment for 10/25/13

1. Disaffected.
2. Independent
3. Left Authoritarian.
4.You Are 45% Conservative, 55% Liberal
5.Right Conservative

BR 10/28/13

1. Read the article and write your initial response.
It does not interest me.

 2.  Do you feel that the writer is correct in his opinion?

 3.  Why do you feel their is still an issue with the confederate flag still nearly 150 years later?
People can not let things go, and let be.

Assignment for 10/22/13

 1. Antifederalists

        1. Opposed the Constitution
       2. Supported by people who believed the Constitution would lead America to corruption.

2. Federalists

        1. Supported the Constitution
       2. Supported by people who believed the Constitution was required to keep America's independence and liberty safe.


3. Democrats

        1. Spread of soil systems and voting rights for all white men.
       2. Small farmers, slaveholders, and debtors

4. The Wigs

        1. Opposed to the tenets of Jacksonian democracy and supported high tariffs.
       2. Bankers, merchants, and industrialists


5. Democrats

       1. Opposed sectionalism and pushed away the nation's party politics toward the economic arena
      2. Businesses

6. Republicans

        1. Rights for African Americans
       2. Farmers, newly freed African Americans, and laborers


7. Democrats

        1. Restoring the nation's economic and social life
       2. Farmers, southerners

8. Republicans

        1. Restoring the nation's economic and social life
       2. Northerners and manufactures

BR 10/22/13

1.  Do you believe this is a frivolous law suit?  Why or why not?
      Yes, I do. He shouldn't have been rude.

 2,  On another note, do you believe the men who toppled the rock should be charged with destruction of property?  Why or Why not
          Yes, it is the right thing to do.

Monday, October 21, 2013

BR 10/17/13

1.  We wait for the next one. >__<

BR 10/16/13

1. Yes, because they were mean.
2. One is more serious than the other.
3. It should be gotten rid of.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

BR 10/15/13

1. You could run back ground checks on the lower class positions.

Monday, October 14, 2013

People who made a difference.

1. Alice Paul worked for a women's right campaign. She grew up in New Jersey.

2. Margaret Sanger went to college in the 1800's. Her parent were her political inspiration.

3. Dakytoweeda was a peace maker. He was an Indian.

3. Andrew Carnegie was a steel kytoon. He was born in 1835.

4. Eva Peron was born on May 7, 1919. She was an actress.

5. Harriet Bettread she was born in Connecticut. Her mom died when she was 4.

6. John Key Nes was most influencial economics. Lived in the 20th century.

7. Fancis Wilard was a part of the 18th and 19th amendment. She passed away at age 58.

8. Eugene Debbs died in 1926. He was the president of the American Railway Union.

9. ME! Betty Williams won the nobel peace prize in 1976.

10. Emilyn Golden was born in Manchester. She was part of the women's suffrage movement.

11. Helena Rubinstein provided funds to the medical field. She had her own cosmetic line.

12. Edward Jenner was born in 1749. He curred people of small pox.

13. Huerta was an elementary school teacher. She fed hungry children from a farm.

14. Tagore was born in 1841. He was known for the renaissance in Asia.

BR 10/14/13

1. Protesters knocked down things around the memorial, it was just a lot more violent than usual.

Friday, October 11, 2013

BR 10/11/13

1. No, it is not fair.
2. Yellow Stone Park, because I like the color yellow.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

BR 10/9/13

1. It is not right, it is your money do with it whatever you want.

Monday, October 7, 2013