Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment for 10/29/13 =)

What does the elephant stand for?
It stands for republicans.
-Use of images

Why is he being arrested?
He was doing something that he should not have been doing.
-Cartoon's message

Why are they laughing?
They are idiots.
-Subject of the cartoon

Why does the cop's sleeve say 'voters'?
He is representing the people that paid to keep up the place.
-Cartoon's message

Why does he call him bubba?
That is a generic name usually used for unintelligent people, like theses kids.
-Cartoon's message.

-Let your eyes "float" over the cartoon.
-Follow the cartoon's natural flow by discovering the interaction with the primary focus (found in step 1).
-Determine the audience
-Understand the context of the cartoon.
-Look for widely recognized symbols.
-Look at minor details in the cartoon that will contribute to the humor or the point of the cartoon.

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