Thursday, March 27, 2014

BR 3/27/14

      someone could choose for me because I don't have that much of an opinion on any of this. Although sometimes people don't think about their choices. Then other people won't agree and there will be a problem with who is right.people should think before they choose.

Monday, March 24, 2014

BR 3/24

UNICEF has declared about 59 people dead from Ebola. Experts are unable to identify the disease. The first symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, and a fever. They are just urging people to keep a good hygiene.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Court Cases


The father of a little girl is atheist, and does not want his daughter practicing religious acts. She is in Elementary School and has to recite the pledge every day at school. The father is suing the school because of the words "under God" in the pledge. The Magistrate Judge concluded that the Pledge is constitutional, and the District Court agreed and dismissed the complaint.

School System.

In texas the schools are big on sports. At the sports the kids would lead in a pre-game prayer.  A number of students sued, arguing that such solemnizing statements or prayers constituted an endorsement of religion, violating the Establishment Clause. They found that the student speech was not private. The control the school maintained over the content of the student speech registered government preference for religious speech or prayer


This case involves a white woman who applied to the University of Texas. She did not get accepted because of the color of her skin. She said that she was higher in her class and she was in more activities than some of the people who got accepted. She stated that the only known difference was the color of their skin. Texas' argument was that they wanted diversity.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Notes 3/20

Inferior courts were created to function beneath the supreme court.
There are 94 district courts.
12 judicial districts. then broken down on population.
677 judges for 350,000 cases.
FISA = foreign intelligence surveillance court
districts get criminal and civil cases
each court has 6-28 judges and 1 supreme court justice
court of appeals get nation-wide cases
court of international trade - a federal trial court - only tries civil cases that arise out of the nations customs and other trade related laws.
9 judges

BR 3/20

Judicial activism.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapter 18 section 1

Souter, David Hackett 

BR 3/19

What is your opinion of Flight 370's disappearance? Is this an issue that should concern America?

I think that it is crazy that it disappeared and that it should concern american.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

BR 3/12

1.  Why did air traffic control fail to notify authorities that plane was so far off route.
The radar was turned off.

2.  Research and explain possible causes for the problems with the plane.
It could have ran out of gas.

BR 3/11

1.  Should pharmaceutical companies put people ahead of profits?

2.  Should government be able to compel pharmaceutical companies to provide life saving medicines?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Campaign Ads

1. Who is the ad targeting?
People who drive.
All Americans.
All Americans.

2. Does it send a positive or negative message?

3. Do you think the ad is effective at delivering its message?

4. How is ad different that it would be betrayed in 2014?
its in black and white.
It wouldn't be done differently.
It would be a little more upbeat.

5. Would your vote be affected by the campaign ad?

BR 3/10/14

1.  Summarize what you believe to be important in the budget.

2.  Who benefits the most from the proposed budget?

Friday, March 7, 2014

BR 2/28/14

yes I believe it violated their right of freedom of expression and schools should not have that much power. while I believe it makes it better, the chanting should not have been allowed in 2010 but wearing clothes with the flag on it should be allowed.

Exit Slip on 30th

1. Congress has power to regulate commerce
2.Direct taxes must be apportioned based on population.
3. Can't tax exports
4. Difference between direct and indirect taxes

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Section one -
The president is the chief of state.
The president is also the most powerful role in the country.
The president talks and greats other countries.
The president is head of executive branch.
To be president you have to be 35 years old.

Section two-

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


congress writes the laws
president-head of executive
president is =
chief of state
chief executive
chief administrator
chief diplomat
president can not declare war
Obama = democrat
to be a president you have to be 35 a us citizen and lived here for 14 years
presidential term =
4 year term FDR was there the longest 22nd amendment prevents them from staying
400k the president makes
vice president - president in waiting
balancing the ticket
the president appoints a new vice president
TWO electoral votes
election of 1800 made first tie

BR 3-3-14

if the president dies what do you think the order of succsession is?

the vice president