Friday, March 21, 2014

Court Cases


The father of a little girl is atheist, and does not want his daughter practicing religious acts. She is in Elementary School and has to recite the pledge every day at school. The father is suing the school because of the words "under God" in the pledge. The Magistrate Judge concluded that the Pledge is constitutional, and the District Court agreed and dismissed the complaint.

School System.

In texas the schools are big on sports. At the sports the kids would lead in a pre-game prayer.  A number of students sued, arguing that such solemnizing statements or prayers constituted an endorsement of religion, violating the Establishment Clause. They found that the student speech was not private. The control the school maintained over the content of the student speech registered government preference for religious speech or prayer


This case involves a white woman who applied to the University of Texas. She did not get accepted because of the color of her skin. She said that she was higher in her class and she was in more activities than some of the people who got accepted. She stated that the only known difference was the color of their skin. Texas' argument was that they wanted diversity.

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